Our Work
ZenMedia takes pride in creating websites, branding, and marketing campaigns for small to medium-sized businesses and nonprofits.
Unlike other web development companies, we create “Your Website.” Many other web development companies create a website that only they can update and maintain. ZenMedia will never disrespect our clients that way. We will even teach you how to make edits and maintain your website. Be assured that when you need us, we will be there to do the heavy lifting.
Here are just a few websites we have done for our clients.

The Bramble Farm provides freshly harvested, naturally grown eggs and honey to local markets. We grow, harvest, clean, pack, sell and deliver our products, emphasizing naturally grown at affordable prices. We only use sun, water, and soil to grow our vegetables; no herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers are ever used.
Check them out at: thebramblefarm.com

The Actor Space NV grew out of the Actor Space in Los Angeles, where I studied for over six years with Joe Palese and a fantastic group of actors. Scene Study was the backbone of The Actor Space. Joe’s technique, learned through such amazing coaches as Milton Katselas and Martin Landau, to name a few, gave actors a new technique to understand and embrace the writer’s work, and really bring it to life.
Check them out at: theactorspacenv.com

Reno Open Studios (ROS) is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the visual arts and established to promote arts education and foster a greater understanding of the creative process between local artists and the general public. ROS grew out of Artouring, an organization that started in 2006 and had been named one of the top art events by the Reno Gazette Journal.
Check them out at: renoopenstudios.org

Reno Arts News is a group of artists and creatives who love the Arts Community in Reno.
We will share our love and commitment to the community with our words, thoughts, and images.
Check them out at: renoarts.news

The word Artist is perhaps a bit strong. I look at myself more as a creative? Maybe it is just semantics.
Creativity feeds my soul and lets me express what I see and feel. I crave to express the abstract thoughts in my soul through the expression of my art.
This website is where you will see my work, from commercial images to the abstract and maybe even the incomprehensible.
Check Dana out at: dananollsch.com

I create nature-based works of landscapes, flora, and fauna. Each piece is created realistically with undertones of whimsy, light, and color details that add a surreal storybook feel yet with overall elements of naturalism.
Check Holly’s work out at: hollygardnertextileart.com

Responsive, schedule-driven, defendable work required for environmental compliance and heritage resource management:
- Ethnographic/Ethnohistoric Studies
- Social/Environmental Justice
- Tribal Heritage Preservation
- Community Relations
- Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability, and Risk Management
Check them out at: appliedculturalecology.org